Ventev Charging Hub 200


Modern times require modern ways of communicating, which means you probably own a cell phone and maybe a tablet. So unless you’re a gadget geek like me, most people’s needs for charging one or two devices can be totally satisfied by Ventev’s elegantly designed wall charginghub 200 – without the ugliness of using a power strip.

The charginghub 200 is a two-in-one device that plugs into one outlet and acts as both an outlet and a high-powered charger. In the looks department, it’s a small grey box with a 3 plug outlet, a USB charging port, and vents all around to dissipate heat.

Um.. heat? Yup, heat.

High powered circuitry that acts both as a plug and a charger pumping out 2.4 amps (it’s printed right under the port to remind you) can charge quickly, but can also generate a bit of heat. While most chargers don’t have vents, they’re also not as powerful either. The ones that come with smartphones are 1 amp or lower. Tablets, which are bigger and thus require more power, come in at around 2 amps. But if you look carefully at third party chargers, you’ll notice there aren’t many that are in the high end. And that’s because the higher the number of amps, the higher the costs required to build it and the engineering required for safe operation.

Being that the charginghub 200 comes with a UL stamp of approval, it’s passed rigorous safety requirements, guaranteeing it won’t blow up in your face or cause damage to anything plugged into it (unless perhaps you’re using a cheap, faulty cable you bought on ebay.) Use a good quality cable (like Ventev’s own chargesync) and you’re set for a clean, quick charge for almost any device. Remember, well designed cables will properly regulate the flow of power.

I’ve found this product to be very useful at places like work, where I spend much of my waking hours, because I know I won’t have to carry around an extra charger with tangled cables to go with it. It’ll charge just about anything and quickcharge when appropriate, while allowing me to plug in my laptop (or mini coffee machine – whichever I need most) at the same time. The charginghub 200 costs $24.99 at the time of writing with more information available on their website.

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Young is a Jack-of-many-trades. He's lived/worked on several continents for all sorts of companies (and has had his own too.) He meditates with origami and likes coffee, though he really should lay off that stuff.

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