Learning to Program with Turing Tumble – Without a Computer

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I’ve been programming since I was a kid – and there was no way to learn without staring at a monitor. Turing Tumble is changing the game by teaching logic and programming in a really fun and visual way.

You start off by reading a comic book and much like a “choose your own adventure” game, you try to solve a puzzle to help the hero get past the roadblock. The comic turns into an instructional and you follow along, pinning objects on what looks like a peg board. If you did it right, the results you get will be the same as the hero got in the comic.

It’s a sneakily fun way to learn programming, something I wish I might have had when I was in school!

More info: http://www.TuringTumble.com

Toy Fair Event (02/18)
@Jacob Javits Center, New York City


Young is a Jack-of-many-trades. He's lived/worked on several continents for all sorts of companies (and has had his own too.) He meditates with origami and likes coffee, though he really should lay off that stuff.

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