Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PlayMates Toys) -Sweet Suite 2023


Back to: Sweet Suite (July 2023)

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Watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/LOWG4SN7hVs

Here are some of the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys from PlayMates Toys for 2023.

They show us several prototypes and large 12” figures of the 4 turtles. The pizza van is really fun, it breaks open the side door and a pizza canon shoots out pies at your enemies.

More Info: https://www.PlayMatesToys.com
Event: Sweet Suite (July 2023)


Young is a Jack-of-many-trades. He's lived/worked on several continents for all sorts of companies (and has had his own too.) He meditates with origami and likes coffee, though he really should lay off that stuff.

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