At First L00k (L00k with two zeros), we showcase the latest developments in consumer products from tech gadgets to toys. To do this, we offer product reviews, “how to’s” and cover industry events where companies show off their latest designs (and even prototypes) for things they’re planning to sell.

Affiliate Links

We use Amazon affiliate links and earn commission from qualifying purchases (which isn’t really much). We appreciate you using them to check prices or product info – it costs you nothing extra when you do.

Feature your thing on First L00k

If you’re a company with (or are a viewer who found) a really awesome product that you think deserves a closer look, get in touch and let us know. If the product looks promising and fits in with what we’re trying to do, we’ll investigate and consider doing a written review or possibly a full video.

We offer fair and independent reviews. If a product is very good, we will say so. If it isn’t very good, we will say that too. For companies that send us review units, we will generally post the review first and send you links to it afterwards. We might ask questions along the way if something isn’t clear.

PLEASE NOTE: If we agree to review a product, you send it – we review it.
We do *NOT* purchase products on Amazon or any other platform to be reimbursed later. It encourages fake reviews and is banned by Amazon.

Contact Us

    * Or email us at: info [at] firstl00k [dot] com