Sneak Peek – Milk Frothers by Dreo @Home Now! 2024
Two versions of milk frothers – for home and on-the-go.
Product Reviews & News (4 the geek in us)
Two versions of milk frothers – for home and on-the-go.
Painters tape with “paint-block” technology
A possible alternative to opioids for relieving pain
An effective (and natural) home air purifier
The Roccat brand is gone, but will continue under the Turtle Beach name.
New tech includes a magnetic type gaming keyboard for super accurate keystrokes
Simulates realistic drive experience with steering motor and load-cell brakes.
Wireless Xbox/PC controller with color display that can connect to your social feeds.
A combat HOTAS (Hands-On Throttle and Stick) for flight sim fans
New Turtle Beach X-box/PC controllers in 3 new colors