2022 Gundam Shokugan & Animal Crossing Toys – from Bluefin


Back to: The Bandai Toy Event 2022 (February, 2022)

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Gundam collectors have a huge amount to choose from. No desk space? You want something small from their Converge series. Something bigger with articulation perhaps? The larger G Frame figures might fit the bill.

But if you’re into the cute stuff, they also have little furry figures from Animal Crossing and for the cat and Naruto anime lovers out there, there’s a crossover selling like hot cakes called Nyaruto!

00:00 – Introduction
00:03 – Gundam -Shokugan Converge (small)
00:46 – Gundam -Shokugan G Frame (larger)

01:44 – Animal Crossing -Shokugan
02:24 – Nyaruto! – Cats and Naruto crossover

More Info: https://www.bandai.com
Back to: The Bandai Toy Event 2022 (February, 2022)


Young is a Jack-of-many-trades. He's lived/worked on several continents for all sorts of companies (and has had his own too.) He meditates with origami and likes coffee, though he really should lay off that stuff.

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