2022 Anime Heroes from Dragonball to Stranger Things! – Bandai USA


Back to: The Bandai Toy Event 2022 (February, 2022)

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There are new Anime Heroes action figures for 2022 including Dragonball, Naruto & One Piece as well as smaller figures from Gashapon World that come in blind packs like My Hero Academia.

And remember the Netflix show “Stranger Things“? Bandai is ready to release some major figures from the new season when it starts showing. While they’re not allowed to present them to the public yet, we do get a glimpse of 3 of the figures.

00:00 – Introduction
00:04 – Blind Packs (Gashapon World)

01:31 – Dragonball (Anime Heroes)
02:21 – Naruto (Anime Heroes)
02:57 – One Piece (Anime Heroes)

03:29 – Stranger Things

More Info: https://www.bandai.com
Back to: The Bandai Toy Event 2022 (February, 2022)


Young is a Jack-of-many-trades. He's lived/worked on several continents for all sorts of companies (and has had his own too.) He meditates with origami and likes coffee, though he really should lay off that stuff.

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